“2022年第八届国际玛丽安·勃兰特国际大赛”于2022年9月14日在官网公布获奖名单。 由德国百年包豪斯引以为傲的世界顶尖设计师和艺术家玛丽安·勃兰特的名字命名的大赛名称,国际大赛每三年举办一次。本届大赛在来自全球34个国家的400多位参赛者中,评审团评选出该奖项类别的20位提名奖获得者,中国生态环保艺术家王馨曼斩获提名奖。该奖项的颁奖典礼将于2022年10月29日至31日在德国开姆尼茨市举行。2022年第八届国际玛丽安·勃兰大奖通过“连通性与自然建立新关系的实验”,旨在激发艺术家和设计师们探索和发现与设计连接我们与其他生物及栖息地的相关事物。此次国际大赛希望艺术家和设计师能寻找与其他生物和自然存在的合作、美学、隐喻和诗意交换关系的项目、图像和文本。探讨人类是否可以从一个角度来看待自己,不是把自己看成其他生物和栖息地的对立物,而是关注相似的东西。
生态环保艺术家王馨曼 摄于2020年 Sophia Xinman Wang / www.wangxinman.com 由生态环保艺术家王馨曼创作的保护生物多样性系列装置艺术作品、互动综合材料艺术作品得到了此次大赛评委的赞誉。王馨曼采用回收的废旧材料:塑料袋、饮料瓶、易拉罐、铁丝、不同材质的线、纸箱、报纸、塑料玩具和日常生活用品等材料创作的野生动物装置艺术作品,作品表达了对生物栖息地被人类占领,植物被砍伐、动物失去栖息地后体内充斥着因为人类过度消费所丢弃的各种塑料废弃物的批判;隐喻对地球生物痛苦挣扎和煎熬的生命过程是由人类行为叠加造成的。艺术家希望通过野生动物装置艺术作品激发大众给生态破坏所带来的严重影响的反思,如自然灾害与极端气候的增加、地球物种以前所未有的速度在灭绝等问题,艺术家王馨曼倡导大众参与到日常低碳环保的行动中,为保护自然、和谐共生贡献自己的一份力量。 王馨曼是一位生态环保艺术家,具有设计、艺术、生态艺术、人类学、管理学背景,获得博士学位,国内外多所大学客座教授,现任职云南大学、云南省美术家协会综合材料艺术委员会副主任。她结合了对人类行为的深刻理解,以及通过艺术引发大众对自然遭受人类欲望和过度物质消费的反思,倡导大众参与保护自然,和谐发展。她的艺术作品被联合国教科文组织艺术中心、法国国家自然历史博物馆、意大利当代艺术中心、云南美术馆、中华文化中心等机构收藏。 Sophia Xinman Wang has won the Marianne Brandt International Art Prize in Germany The winners of the 8th International Marian Brandt Competition 2022 were announced on the website on September 14, 2022. Named after Marianne Brandt, the world's top designer and artist who is proud of Germany's century-old Bauhaus, the international competition is held every three years. Among more than 400 participants from 34 countries around the world, the jury selected 20 nominees in this category. Sophia Xinman Wang, a Chinese eco-artist, won the nomination. The award ceremony will be held in Chemnitz, Germany, from October 29 to 31, 2022. The 8th International Marianne Bolan Award 2022 aims to inspire artists and designers to explore, discover and design the things that connect us to other creatures and habitats through "experiments in connectivity and a new relationship with nature". The international competition asks artists and designers to find projects, images and texts that are in a collaborative, aesthetic, metaphorical and poetic exchange relationship with other creatures and natural beings. To explore whether humans can see themselves from a point of view, not as opposed to other creatures and habitats, but as similar things. Ecological and environmental protection artist Sophia Xinman Wang created a series of biodiversity protection installation art works, interactive materials art works were praised by the judges of the competition. Sophia Xinman Wang uses recycled waste materials: Plastic bags, bottles, cans, iron wire, line of different materials, cartons, paper, plastic toys and daily necessities such as material creation wildlife device works of art, works expressed habitats are occupied by humans, plants have been cut down, animals lose their habitat after full because human over-consumption of all kinds of plastic waste discarded by criticism; Metaphor for the painful struggle and suffering of the Earth's life process is caused by the superposition of human actions. Artist hopes that by wildlife device works of art to inspire the public to the reflection of ecological destruction brought about by the serious influence, such as the increase of natural disasters and extreme climate, the earth at an unprecedented rate in the extinction of species, artists Sophia Xinman Wang advocate the public to participate in the daily low carbon environmental protection, to protect the natural harmonious coexistence, contributes an own strength. Sophia Xinman Wang is an ecological and environmental protection artist with a background of design, art, ecological art, anthropology, and management. She has obtained a doctor's degree and is a visiting professor in many universities at home and abroad. She is currently serving as the deputy director of Yunnan University and Yunnan Artists Association Comprehensive Materials Art Committee. She combines a deep understanding of human behavior with art to trigger public reflection on nature suffering from human desire and excessive material consumption and advocates public participation in the protection of nature and harmonious development. Her works are collected by the UNESCO Art Center, the French National Museum of Natural History, the Italian Center for Contemporary Art, the Yunnan Art Museum, the Chinese Culture Center and other institutions.
2022年第八届国际玛丽安·勃兰特国际大奖 提名奖获奖名单
2022年第八届国际玛丽安·勃兰特国际大奖 评委介绍
王馨曼 生命与共存系列作品-鲨鱼 装置艺术 450*250cm 2020 Life and Coexistence Series by Sophia Xinman Wang- Sharks Installation art 450*250cm 2020
王馨曼 生命与共存系列作品-鹿 装置艺术 450*250cm 2020 Life and Coexistence Series by Sophia Xinman Wang- Deer Installation art450*250cm cm 2020
王馨曼 生命与共存系列作品-钳嘴鹳 装置艺术 360*150cm 2020 Life and Coexistence Series by Sophia Xinman Wang - Stork installation with jaws 360*150cm
王馨曼 生命与共存系列作品-北极熊 装置艺术 460*250cm 2020
王馨曼 生命与共存系列作品-北极熊 互动综合材料艺术 300*300cm 2020 Life and Coexistence Series by Sophia Xinman Wang – Polar Bears Interactive composite material art 300*300cm |