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来源:中国艺术资讯网 作者:小龙 人气: 发布时间:2022-09-20


Sophia Xinman Wang, China's first female eco-artist, is on display in Austria with works by masters such as Picasso

2022年9月3日至2022年12月19日,首位中国女性生态环保艺术家王馨曼艺术作品与文森特·梵高、巴勃罗·毕加索、克劳德·莫奈、萨尔瓦多·达利等37位世界艺术大师作品在世界文化遗产-奥地利16世纪古建筑Villa am Kaiserweg 隆重展出。


王馨曼 生命与共存系列作品-北极熊 版画 30*25cm 2021

Life and Coexistence Series by Sophia Xinman Wang - Polar Bear Print 30*25cm 2021


王馨曼艺术作品参展世界遗产-奥地利古建筑Villa am Kaiserweg举办的16世纪至今艺术大师与全球当代艺术名家“从那时到现在的艺术”艺术作品展, 此次展览展示了巴勃罗·毕加索、文森特·梵高、克劳德·莫奈、萨尔瓦多·达利、中国生态环保艺术家王馨曼等37位艺术家的作品,王馨曼作为中国唯一受邀生态环保艺术家参展此次展览。Villa am Kaiserweg是建于16世纪的古建筑,拥有1518年创作的辉煌历史壁画,它也是Persenbeug最古老的建筑之一,也是Nibelungengau拥有悠久和丰富文化艺术的代表性地区。该古建筑受到联合国教科文组织保,它紧邻Persenbeug城堡是奥地利最后一位皇帝查理一世的出生地。除了展出关于哈布斯堡-洛林历史的展览外,Villa am Kaiserweg还展示了16世纪艺术的发展以及来自世界各地当代艺术名家表现大自然的艺术作品。历史悠久的世界遗产区Nibelungengau和邻近的Villa am Kaiserweg受联合国教科文组织保护,如今是欧洲最受欢迎的文化旅游区之一。2022年,经过精心修复后,Kaiserweg向全世界艺术和文化爱好者敞开了大门,并隆重的展出自16世纪至今37位杰出艺术家的作品。


王馨曼在国内外以多种形式的艺术作品发出中国声音、讲好中国保护生物多样性的故事,从而呼吁保护生态、保护自然;以中国女性生态艺术家的身份践行了联合国 COP15大会“生态文明:共建地球生命共同体”这一主题。王馨曼通过艺术的力量、多样的艺术方式号召和推进全球生态文明建设,努力实现“人与自然和谐共生” 的美好愿景,为减缓全球气候变暖和可持续发展贡献中国生态环保艺术家的智慧和力量。

历史悠久的世界遗产区Persenbeug和邻近的展览地址Villa am Kaiserweg16世纪古建筑

Sophia Xinman Wang, China's first female eco-artist, is on display in Austria with works by masters such as Picasso

From September 3, 2022, to December 19, 2022, the works of Sophia Xinman Wang, China's first female ecological artist, and 37 world art masters, including Vincent van Gogh, Pablo Picasso, Claude Monet and Salvador Dali, were exhibited in Villa am Kaiserweg, a World cultural heritage building in Austria.

Sophia Xinman Wang's art works will be exhibited in the Art exhibition "Art from Then to Now" held in Villa am Kaiserweg, a World Heritage building in Austria, by masters from the 16th century to now and global contemporary art masters. The exhibition showcases the works of 37 artists, including Pablo Picasso, Vincent Van Gogh, Claude Monet, Salvador Dali, and Chinese eco-artist Sophia Xinman Wang, who is the only invited eco-conservation artist from China to participate in the exhibition. Villa am Kaiserweg is an ancient building built in the 16th world and boasts a magnificent historical fresco created in 1518. It is also one of the oldest buildings in Persenbeug and a representative area of Nibelungengau with a long and rich culture and art. The UNESCO-protected building is next to Persenbeug Castle, the birthplace of Charles I, Austria's last emperor. In addition to exhibits on the history of Habsburg-Lorraine, Villa am Kaiserweg showcases the development of art in the 16th century and works of contemporary artists from around the world that represent nature. The historic World Heritage area of Nibelungengau and the adjacent Villa am Kaiserweg are protected by UNESCO and today are among the most popular cultural tourist areas in Europe. In 2022, after an elaborate restoration, Kaiserweg opened its doors to art and culture lovers from around the world and showcased the works of 37 outstanding artists from the 16th century to the present.

Sophia Xinman Wang, an ecological artist, has long been an art teacher at Yunnan University and a visiting professor at many universities at home and abroad. She was invited to participate in this art exhibition as the deputy director of the Integrated Materials Art Committee of Yunnan Artists Association of China, the Executive Director of the Global Art Competition of UNESCO Art Center - Biodiversity Conservation, the Ambassador of Wildlife Foundation for Biodiversity Conservation, and the Chief artist of Nature and Art Foundation.

Sophia Xinman Wang's works are collected by the UNESCO Art Center, Yunnan Art Museum, the French National Museum of Natural History, the Italian Contemporary Art Center, the Chinese Culture Center, and other institutions.

Sophia Xinman Wang, in various forms of art works at home and abroad, gives voice to China and tells the story of China's biodiversity protection, thus calling for the protection of ecology and nature; Chinese female ecological artists practice the theme of the UN COP15 conference "Ecological Civilization: Building a Community of Life on Earth". Through the power of art and various artistic ways, Sophia Xinman Wang calls for and promotes the construction of global ecological civilization, strives to realize the beautiful vision of "harmonious coexistence between man and nature", and contributes the wisdom and strength of Chinese ecological and environmental artists to the mitigation of global climate warming and sustainable development.

展览地Villa am Kaiserweg 16世纪古建筑的介绍

Nibelungengau拥有悠久和丰富文化艺术的地区。历史悠久的世界遗产区Nibelungengau和Persenbeug城堡奥地利最后一位皇帝查理一世的出生地、邻近的展览地址Villa am Kaiserweg受联合国教科文组织保护,今天是奥地利最受欢迎的文化旅游区之一。

文森特·梵高、巴勃罗·毕加索、克劳德·莫奈、萨尔瓦多·达利与王馨曼等37位艺术家的作品在世界文化遗产-奥地利16世纪古建筑Villa am Kaiserweg 隆重展出。

文森特·梵高、巴勃罗·毕加索、克劳德·莫奈、萨尔瓦多·达利与王馨曼等37位艺术家作品在世界文化遗产-奥地利16世纪古建筑Villa am Kaiserweg 隆重展出

王馨曼 生命与共存系列作品-鲨鱼 版画 30*25cm 2021

Life and Coexistence Series by Sophia Xinman Wang- Sharks Print 30*25cm 2021

王馨曼 生命与共存系列作品-大雁 版画 30*25cm 2021

Life and Coexistence Series by Sophia Xinman Wang - Wild Goose Print 30*25cm 2021

王馨曼 生命与共存系列作品-海豚 版画 30*25cm 2021

Life and Coexistence Series by Sophia Xinman Wang - Dolphin Print 30*25cm 2021

王馨曼 生命与共存系列作品-鲨鱼 装置艺术 450*250cm 2020

Life and Coexistence Series by Sophia Xinman Wang- Sharks Installation art 450*250cm 2020

王馨曼 生命与共存系列作品-钳嘴鹳 装置艺术 360*150cm 2020

Life and Coexistence Series by Sophia Xinman Wang - Stork installation with jaws 360*150cm 2020
