素履之往:刘长静个展 策展人:李擎 主办机构:静者画院 协办机构:北京嘉利文化交流有限公司 展览地点:北京798艺术区东街京典艺术空间 合作媒体:美揽天下、雅昌艺术网、今日头条、一点资讯、搜狐新闻、网易新闻、光明网、中国网、北京时间、海外网 开幕酒会:2018/9/8 3:30pm 展览时间:2018/9/8-2018/9/22 素履之往 To carry on 文/刘长静 Author/ Liu Chang Jing 每个人的人生路上都有灯,有向导,有拯救,而我曾是路上的旅人,有着迷惘和渴望。2011年的西藏之旅,让我有勇气重新回来做自己,选择坚守最初的梦想,真挚地画画,就像那些磕长头者用身体丈量朝圣路上的虔诚。 Everyone has a lamp, a guide and a salvation on his way to life, and I was once a traveler on the road, and I was confused and aspirant. The journey to Tibet in 2011 gave me the courage to return to being myself, to choose to stick to my original dream and paint sincerely, just as those who kowtow their heads on the ground to measure the piety of the pilgrimage with their bodies.
2016年《寂静的天空》作品展,让我安静回归,回归到一元的本质,也回归到生命本身,默默耕耘,通过一件一件作品将自己与他人相连,也许是在那片孤寂的岛屿上遇到的最温暖的拥抱。 "Silent Sky" exhibition held in 2016, helped me quietly return to the essence of a unified, but also returned to life itself, quietly ploughing, through one piece of work to connect themselves with others, perhaps in that lonely island encountered the warmest embrace.
生于斯长于斯的故乡已离我越来越远,在城市林立的钢筋混凝土中间,生活久了内心会彷徨,自己曾去过的那些小镇在眼前晃动,就像一股清泉,慢慢浸来… My hometown where I was born and grown up has been more and more far away from me, in the city of reinforced concrete, life for a long time will be hesitant heart, I have been to those small towns in front of shaking, like a spring, slowly immersed in.
踩着青石阶小路,一截旧木、一块砖头,抚摸一根立了千年的房柱,凝视一扇陈旧的门窗…这一切都需要仰视。我在找寻着传统里失落的美,那里有直抵内心的静,那里有坚守着的朴素与无华。表面的陈旧里有太多厚度,让我久久站立,凝视岁月的痕迹。 Stepping on the path of the bluestone steps, a piece of old wood, a brick, stroked a pillar for thousands of years, gazing at an old door and window. All these need to be looked up. I am looking for the lost beauty in the tradition, where there is peace to the heart, where there is the simple and unadorned adherence. The old surface is too thick for me to stand for a long time and gaze at the traces of time.
在艺术的领域,构思创造出新技法的人受人尊重,在作品中张扬人性的艺术家更被关注。然而,作为一个用画笔来说话的人,在传统文化的河流中,我更希望自己消失在无我的世界里,手拿画笔在寂静中 ,美才会翩然而至。有时我会从黑夜画至黎明破晓,那一刻的光亲吻着这个世界,亲吻着我的心。那种幸福感会让我几近落泪,如果能够一直这样画下去,该有多好。 In the field of art, people who conceive and create new techniques are respected, and artists who publicize human nature in their works are paid more attention. However, as a brush speaker, in the river of traditional culture, I prefer to disappear into the world of selflessness, holding the brush in silence, beauty will come. Sometimes I would paint from night till dawn, and the moment would kiss the world and my heart. That kind of happiness would touch me to tears. If I continue to keep painting like this, it would be great.
我希望我走的艺术之路将会是一种带来温暖的艺术,包含对人性的希望,向着更高的自然----裸露 坦诚 寂静,接近祈祷的仪式。 I hope that the artistic path I take will be one that brings warmth, including hope for humanity, toward a higher nature, naked, honest silence, and it is close to the ritual of prayer.
刘长静,1984年生于河北临西,毕业天津理工大学艺术系视觉传达设计专业,获学士学位。2006年至2009年,进修于中央美院油画系,师从丁一林、马晓腾、石煜老师。2017年至今,师从王文生老师学习油画。现为艺评网签约艺术家,中国当代女子画会会员,美学讲师。 个展 2016.12 寂静的天空:刘长静个展(798万象空间.北京) 联展 2018.01 自反性(凤凰含章画廊.北京) 2017.05 重生的风景(七臻美术馆.北京) 2017.03 当代艺术联盟(上上国际美术馆.北京) 2017.01 超级女画星(上上国际美术馆.北京) 2016.12 独立精神(恩来美术馆.北京) 2016.11 秋水八荒:潮白河油画展(恩来美术馆.北京) 2016.10 诗性中国(筑艺空间.北京) 2015.12 北京设计周(红墙花园酒店.北京) 2013.09 我们:1994—2013(宋庄美术馆.北京) Liu Chang Jing Born in Linxi, Hebei in 1984. Graduated from Tianjin University ofTechnology with a bachelor's degree in visual communication design. 2006 --2009, the oil painting department ofthe Central Academy of fine arts. 2017 - so far, teacher Wang Wenshengstudied oil painting. Artist of the Chinese contemporary women'sPainting Association An exhibition 2016.12 silent sky personal exhibition /798Vientiane space. Beijing Joint exhibition 2018.1 reflexivity / Phoenix seal gallery.Beijing 2017.5 reborn scenery / seven Art Museum.Beijing 2017.3 Contemporary Art League / upperInternational Art Museum. Beijing 2017.1 super girl painting star / upperInternational Art Museum. Beijing 2016.12 independence spirit / En Lai Museumof art. Beijing 2016.11 autumn water eight wastes - theChao Bai river oil painting exhibition / En Lai Art Museum. Beijing 2016.10 poetic Chinese / art space. Beijing 2015.12 Beijing design week / red wallGarden Hotel. Beijing 2013.9 "we: 1994 - 2013" /Songzhuang Art Museum. Beijing |